Speed Test For Fibre and WiFi

Test your broadband internet speed below.

WiFi Speed Tests

Try testing directly from your fibre router or modem when doing these speed tests to get a more accurate result.

Local Speed Tests

To test the local bandwidth speed of your connection you can make use of the MyBroadband Speed Test , Telkom Speed Test ( SAIX ) , or the MWeb Speed Test.

Streaming Buffering

Just because your speed is high (local test or international) - doesn't mean your "pirate streaming sites" will be fast ! They simply can not keep up with the "sending demand" at times.

Still not sure why your internet is slow - even with a fast speed test result?

Not Getting The Speed You Paying For ? Fibre Tiger WhatsApp

Fast.com (Netflix)


Fast.com - Placeholder


Not sure how much speed you need ? It's less than you think.
How much speed do you really need ?

Speed Test VS Actual Download Speed

Download speeds are usually reported in BYTES per second while speed tests are usually in BITS per second, there are 8bits in a byte. See the table below for most common line speed to actual download speed conversions.

Line Speed (bps) Download Speed (Bps)
10 Mbps 1.25 MBps
20 Mbps 2.5 MBps
50 Mbps 6.25 MBps